Wildfire and Smoke Detection and Alert

N5SHIELD™ utilizes advanced ground based sensors, satellite imagery, other environmental data, and artificial intelligence to detect ignition at very early stages. As soon as fire is detected, N5SHIELD™ issues emergency notifications via text and email to registered stakeholders. N5SHIELD™ also monitors smoke and air quality and can issue relevant alerts keeping vulnerable populations safe.


  • Early Wildfire Detection​
  • Tracking of Fire Activity​
  • Air Quality Measurement​
  • Smart Cities​
  • Wildland Urban Interface Protection
  • Critical Infrastructure Protection
  • Protection of Agricultural Operations​
  • Protection of Homes

What are the current gaps?

Most fires are still reported by people making calls to law enforcement or fire departments. Often fire starts in remote areas or in the middle of the night, when no one is around to see and report. ​

Limited Infrastructure

Many existing systems rely heavily on visual data sources, such as cameras and satellite imagery. While these are valuable tools, they have limitations, especially during adverse weather conditions, darkness, or when terrain makes small fires starts less visible. Over-reliance on visual data has left critical gaps in early detection and continuous monitoring.

Infrastructure Requirements (Power and Communication)

Cameras tend to require power and high bandwidth data transmission capabilities. Such infrastructure demands can be challenging to implement in some communities, making these systems less scalable.

Limited Data and Usefulness

Fire presents other challenges such as hazardous air quality. Technologies such as satellites and cameras do not provide critical information required for mitigating those hazards.

How does the solution work?

Data Collection

The sensors continuously collect data from the environment. This data can include information on air quality, temperature, humidity, chemical levels, and more, depending on the specific sensors used.

Data Transmission

In real time, the collected data is transmitted to a centralized system or cloud-based platform. This data transmission allows for remote monitoring and analysis, which is crucial for timely decision-making.

Data Anlysis

The data is then processed and analyzed using advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI). These algorithms can identify patterns, anomalies, and trends in the data, allowing for the early detection of critical events.

Alert Generation

When the system detects an abnormal condition or a potential threat, it generates alerts. These alerts are sent to designated recipients, which can include emergency response teams, first responders, city officials, or system administrators.

  • Early Detection

    N5SHIELD™ detects ignition within 5 mins, when the fire is only a few square meters in size.

  • Protection and Safety

    Using advanced alerting systems, and web based data analysis tools, we empower firefighters and emergency crews to track and monitor fire conditions, allowing them to effectively develop mitigation strategies to protect communities while keeping firefighters safe.

  • Real-Time Warnings

    In wildland fires, early warnings are the key to preventing catastrophic wildfires. N5SHIELD™ generates text and email alerts within minutes of detection to the appropriate stakeholders.

  • Scalable Solutions

    N5SHIELD™ utilizes network based AI, which allows the solution to scale over time reducing both capital and operational expense.

Have questions? Contact us!